
some frequently used Terms

The first cause of all things. It permeates all things which things are its modifications. These modifications are simply the ways in which spirit acts. The individualised spirit is called ‘soul’. The difference between the soul and spirit, is that the soul is individualised or limited, and spirit is not.

The circumscribed spirit of God encapsulated in creatures. The individualised spirit is called ‘soul’. The soul has consciousness and will, so also has the spirit. The soul is conscious only of what happens to it as an individual. Spirit is conscious of all that happens to all souls and to itself. The knowledge of the soul is finite, the knowledge of spirit is infinite. In the centre of the soul is a point where Spirit meets it. At this point a “dialogue” takes place between the soul and spirit. Soul states what is its individual will, and Spirit states Its universal will. The soul may then will its own individual will or it may will to the same purpose as the universal.

The infinite, sentient, moving power of eternality.

‘with one centre’. It requires that we set up in the mind some single idea of such a kind that to it we can refer every other idea that we have. Such an idea gives us the power of unifying our mind, and so of bringing it into peace and harmony.

Meditation is a mental process in which we disclose progressively the meaning of our central thought; we must proceed by defining our use of the words we use to express this idea. Our mind compares ideas, notes their similarities and differences, grouping them together in patterns. It is precisely the discovery of a meaningful pattern that is the object of meditation.

That which contains and arranges ideas. An idea is a form in consciousness. A series of related ideas is a pattern in consciousness. An idea has a form, a characteristic binding line that defines it. Mind refers to the space in which ideas are presented singly, or in groups, simultaneously or serially. The word “mind” refers to that which has no form of its own, but in which the forms called “ideas” appear and relate themselves. “Space” here, is distinguished from the space which we say exists between earthy material bodies. In the mind we shall call it “mental space” or “mind space”. The mind with no ideas in it is ‘no mind’. If the content of consciousness is eliminated then there is no mind. Only where consciousness is presented with some content can we say that mind exists.
The word “mind” comes from a root word meaning to count, or to evaluate. When there is a process of counting or evaluation in consciousness then it is permissible to use the word “mind” to indicate the zone where this process is taking place. Where there is no such process occurring it is incorrect to refer to it as “mind”. The word ‘meditation’ also comes from the same root word as mind.

The mind ‘full’ of idea content. Contrary to modern meditation populism, this state of consciousness is ‘the mind-space stacked with forms, things & events’ – a state of ‘concentrated confusion’ which gives a false view that the mind is empty and quiet. It’s a kind of ‘egoic suppression solution’ to a busy chattering mind. ( Great care is required to identify this state, because it is not to be misunderstood for the highly integrated mind which immediately precedes Samadhic Contemplation and silence. )

Contemplation, unlike meditation, does not follow a sequence of ideas through time. IT CONTEMPLATES PATTERN. Contemplation is essentially silent; to attain it we must still every mental process. Then the pattern discovered by the meditation process will be able to have its own effect on our mind.
WHOLENESS of awareness appears only in contemplation, NOT in meditation. Our mind and soulis bathed in wholeness, a wholeness which transmutes itself into PEACE and HARMONY of being.

That within which people, things, events and relationships appear. The word “consciousness” shall be used wherever the contents of a zone of sentience are analysed into discrete forms, kept separate from each other, and yet related by their similarities and dissimilarities. We can hold together all circumscribed forms, similar in that they are bounded by a line, and yet distinguish them, as circles, squares, triangles, etc.

Reflexive Self-Consciousness
Reflexive Self-Consciousness, which for convenience we abbreviate to “resec”, is a state of transcendent self-awareness which confers upon the beings who attain it certain powers of adequate response and capacities of stimulus assimilation. These powers man must attain or perish from the earth as unfit for the next necessary step in the evolution of consciousness.
In the act of reflexive self-consciousness there is a re-statement of the fact that consciousness is consciousness, not only at the end of an act, but in each moment of consciousness. There is a continuous return or reflexive movement, a bending or turning back upon itself of consciousness during action, such that at no moment does consciousnessfall into identification with its objects to the point of losing awareness of its own free essence. Not losing its self-awareness in object-identification, consciousness remains self-immersed in its own free essence.

The point of initiation of a change.

We do not define things, relations of things, events, etc.. We define the limits of application of terms. The things of the world are defined by the energies that operate to create and keep them in being. Many problems vanish if we remember this rule.

The individual self is simply a motion complex in infinity. As every vortex necessarily has an “empty” centre, properly represented by Jupiter, it follows that every finite being (Saturn) has in it a centre of highest sensitivity (Jupiter) able to respond to the motions of the Jupiter transcendent. This Jupiter centre is the source of true conscience in the individual.

Sentience is a property of the Infinite Eternal Absolute.
Sentience, Awareness, Consciousness, Feeling, Sensation; all these words refer to that whereby we know what we know. It is significant and important that we cannot indicate what we mean by one of these words without appealing to that in us which corresponds with their significance, that is, to that in us which knows that it knows. From this fact may be shown the ultimate infiniteness of sentience. All these words refer to that in and by which we know; if we persist in asking what we mean by this we can reply only, “We know what we mean”.

Awareness is derived from the Old English “waer”, “cautious”. It is cognate with the Latin vereri, “to observe anxiously”. To be wary is to be on guard in feeling, to be watchful. Awareness, then, we might say, carries with it a sense of being on guard. Consciousness or sentience qualified by caution.

That which strikes. Lat. causa ‘strike’.

The ‘form’ of ultimate reality.

The will to work for the development of the potentialities of all beings.
Behind all the forms of love there is one supreme love.
Behind love of the body, love of the mind, love of the soul, and all other particular loves, there is the love of the Spirit which speaks in the great imperative, “Develop thyself and all beings”. This love of the Spirit may be defined as a “will to work for the development of the potentialities of all beings”.

A unity of diverse elements. The articulation of existential elements in such a manner as to restore to them their relations with each other and with the substratum continuum.

The analytical and synthesising process whereby man becomes con­scious of the separate elements of reality (motion-patterns) and of their relations with each other in the continuum of motion-power.

The function of knowledge as guide to action in relationships.

The shadow of love. What one would do if one loved considered as the model of action for those who don’t. What Spirit gets Itself crucified for in order to integrate.

That state in which we seize the essence of every happening as it happens. It is living in the Now so concentratedly determined to extract its essences and message that no energy slops over the edges of the moment to be wasted on the ground. Happiness arises when we have the view of a hierarchical sense of power actively positing our own essence in a situation. Therefore not ‘pleasure’, which is ‘passivity to a stimulus’.

Frustration of will either for short, medium or long terms. Frustration in the 3-fold being (called eternity) which is the sentient power continuum, is caused by the failure of the individual will to release itself from the self-contradictory nature of its own desires, and the impossibility of the continuum allowing their satisfaction.

The ‘point of orientation’. Time is quantised as moments, for it is made of impulses to orientate. At every point of time one orientates oneself towards or away from some thing, relation or event. The moment is the zone of the intersection of forces, in which the forces act on each other and produce a resultant vector or orientated energy. The whole life of man is one of points of orientation, of decision or choice. Each moment, as an orientation, determines the man in a particular direction, unless he refuses all particular directions and allows the Absolute to act through him. At this moment the will and idea of man and of the Absolute are not different. This identification of man with the Absolute is the result of Reflexive Self-consciousness (Samadhic contemplation).

Sayings which are extremely useful in times of difficulty or pain. “I must have needed the lesson”, a saying which makes self-pity impossible; and also “it’s interesting”. Both of these mantra assist assimilation of difficulty.

It is not the things that our words are intended to refer to that we define, but the limits of application of these words. We do not define a triangle, but we define the area of application of the word “triangle”.

The constructing of thought systems aimed to give some formal explanation of total reality to the intellect.

To ‘bind back’ to the Source of all beings. The binding-back into relation with each other, and their source, of beings tending to fall out of relation.

The building upon reality of ideas of things which are not function­ally true.

The art of interpretation of sacred teachings, texts and scriptures. The theory of the discovery and communication of the thoughts and teachings of the scriptures of the world; the science of attaining clarity, both in comprehending. explaining and establishing the sense of traditional and biblical authors. It looks to the individual’s own apprehension rather than the conveyance of the meaning ascertained to others, thereby enabling the individual to interpret in the light of his own experience for himself.