Personal Assistance offered
Some people feel drawn to learn more about the teachings of Eugene Halliday. Eugene Halliday taught throughout His lifetime, 1911-1987, mainly in the north of England. His written works were postumously published in the late 1980s and 1990s.
Eugene Halliday’s teaching is for some people a ‘vertical cliff’ to climb; the highly condensed language and at times deep and diversely woven subject matter requires many years to process, assimilate and operate upon. Of course “if a man’s reach should not exceed his grasp then what’s a heaven for?” (Heaven in Eugene’s etymology is ‘the equilibration of power’.) And if we do not have good willed opposition to our effort to understand a teacher, then quickly the teaching will be disbanded and thrown away as unworthy of our effort.
Young people who feel drawn to Eugene’s teachings especially enjoy assistance to broach the seed kernel of subjects which are new, interesting and often many decades ahead of their time. Eugene Himself indicated that “In my own day I will be believed”, to which the publisher of His work replied “in the confident expectation of that day these Works are offered to the Seeker of Truth”.
The administrator of this site lives in Eastern Australia. For those who would like some personal assistance in approaching and working with Eugene Halliday’s teachings, either by phone, online or in-person, please ask by using the email address provided on this page.
Email address for all enquiries: